Our Salton Sea

Investing in People for a Thriving Region

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Our Partners

Alianza Coachella Valley

Through its various community-based campaigns, Alianza Coachella Valley encourages residents to become leaders and take action to address local problems. Its Environmental Justice Campaign encourages community-led scientific research into the changing conditions at the Salton Sea and works to make sure residents’ needs are part of long-term planning for the sea.

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Center for Social Innovation

The Center for Social Innovation provides a credible research voice that spurs civic leadership and policy innovation. CSI integrates researchers, community organizations, and civic stakeholders in collaborative projects and long-term partnerships that strengthen shared values of resilience, inclusion, sustainability, and equity (RISE).

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Institute for Social Transformation

Rooted in the Social Sciences Division at UC Santa Cruz, the institute supports innovative scholarship that changes the world. The institute is a critical intellectual and social hub, connecting scholars across UC Santa Cruz and partners beyond the University, developing research-based solutions to urgent problems in the world.

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Our Salton Sea: Where Theory Meets Practice on Inclusive Economic Development

Our Salton Sea Initiative Track One: Measuring and Developing Inclusive, Equitable, and Sustainable Economies

Our Salton Sea Initiative Track Two: Institutional and Community Perspectives and Economic Development